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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I love her & her family..

it was a wonderful trip to KL/melacca with her family.

  • main purpose of going : jalan-jalan
  • reason of going : bored with staying at home whole day long
  • duration of the trip : 2 days 1 night (at first, it was 2days 2 nights)
  • fees : ?&%$!#@(^?&%$!#@(^$> gt; (what do u think ?? )
we went for "dim sam"before we leave Jay-bee and after that...
we start our journey

half way on Plus, there was something that we left out
and we were forced to turn back home (her home) to get it
because it is pretty important. ----> X-ray film.
By the way, my buddy (which is her "Er jie") had an appointment
with a "Hiong-gong" (香港)doctor in KL due to her backache problem
since she was young la. (actual story i dont know geh, needa ask "mummy") =P
so we went there with her uncle's guidance who is staying around KL

or else we will be spending 1 week to find the place
because it is hard to find IF U'RE NOT STAYING IN KL. (lol)
anyway, the treatment that er jie taken is basically through magnetic theory.
NO medicine given, NO injections, no whatever.
just based on a piece of magnet. quite BRILLIANT ya..?
dont know whether it works but try and see how's the effect lo.
hopefully is good for buddy lo.

Ok, cut down on craps XD

Back in melacca, they were planning where to go after reaching melacca
although we were still on the way back.
"Daddy" was too tired to drive us there anymore
because he was driving throughout the whole day. (it's killing)

so finally i turn up to be the "AH Mat"
" Ah Mat" with a Nissan X-Trail !!!
can u imagine that.
Wow, that was awesome and STRESSFUL.
haha. why?? the reason is pretty simple.
Because~ that is not my car. LoL
how if i ter-"bang" the other car. mati lo i. wahaha.
luckily it was safe all the way down to melacca town.
but there was a road block by those "duit kopi suckers" (oops.. sry =P)
and the passengers behind didnt buckel up their seat belts.
Her aunty was so panic like the polis will arrest her. hehe

there was nothing happen la. so, RELEK la...

we visited Jonker street, wonderful night view with new year decorations.
stalls along the street were selling sovieners and some junk food.
here starts the girls who like shopping going around boutiques. @_@
as well as my girl, haha. preparing for chinese new year. lol
so we spent around 2-3 hours in Jonker street.
here comes the MOST important thing ------>
delicious dessert - Cendol. wakakakaka..
the special thing is that cendol served with mango or durian toppings.
as a person like me would always like to try on new stuff

prefered flavoured cendol rather than the original one.
BUT after finishing, i felt the original cendol taste nicer to me. =P
because of the strong aroma of gula Melaka.
Ps. sorry for no photo display, because i still haven't get myself a proper dSLR.

Tiredness gives a signal when the time you needa go home and have some rest.
so, we went back home in Merlimau and had our supper with Maggie.
although it was tired because of travelling the whole day

but i'm still vry happy bcz i spent my time with my baby girl.
and she went back to Kampar early next morning
because she's still schooling on the next day.
I started missing her once her bus leaved..
and i guess she does miss as well after leaving.

Remember : I love her just like she loves me. =)

Ps. Thanks "daddy" for trusting me and lending your car. ^@^


2R-lovenest said...

dardar~love the new slideshow so much~thanks~muackss muackss~ =)

hehe..dardar..u r now feeling closer to my family ady..i'm happy wif it..really ^^
mummy cooked for you..although is juz maggie mee...that day daddy trusted you n lent his car to u...i know u feel happy wif all too^^

love you~ =)darling~hihi~
year 2010 now..waiting for the 3rd yr anniversary..although August is still far from now..but i'm looking forward to the 3rd year of < darling&baby >~!! ^^